NEWS ← A VEGETABLE GARDEN TO TASTE, sowing ORGANIC vegetables 2020 “If you have a garden by the library, you will not miss anything.(Marco Tullio Cicerone) 2020_ START AGAINThe bio re-part vegetable garden, always from organic seeds organic seeds soaked in chamomile (to promote germination) from organic seeds, the first seedlings the cucumbers bio the …

ECO CABIN “the accommodations, the rooms”

GALLERY ECO CABIN ← THE ACCOMMODATIONS The roomsThe lodging on the ground floor (4+1 beds), is made of a unique big space of 46 square meters which opens itself to the countryside on three directions, with big glass windows, and some service spaces for the bathroom on the north side of the building The lodging …

“THE MILLSTONE” Lodging in the woods

GALLERYTHE MILLSTONE ← THE MILLSTONE, lodging in the woods The guests of Habitat 3650 “ECO CABIN” can immerse themselves in the green of nature, to enjoy the benefits for their health. The Millstone, an old mill, now immersed in 2ha (20.000 square meters) of private wood in the venetian Pre-Alps, spurs of the Grappa range. …

A PALETTE OF COLOURS, the organic sunflowers

NEWS ← “Most painters, not being colourists properly so-called, do not see these colors and think crazy the painter who sees with eyes different from them. All of this is of course planned. For this reason I have already prepared a picture in yellow filled with sunflowers.”(Vincent van Gogh) A palette of new colors Habitat …